Gulliver’s Pet Supply Drive!
We are supporting local rescues through benefiting Pause 4 Paws with new or gently used pet items. We are collecting at our business office at 14172 Northdale Blvd. Rogers, MN 55374. Donate February 26th-March 8th, Mon-Thurs 8-4:30, Friday 8-3. 763-422-1790
This is in honor of our rescue Gulliver that we lost in January. He was a spunky little pup with attitude. He loved his family so so much and we want to give back. We think he would love this!
What do they take? Leashes, harnesses, unopened food, food bowls, & toys. Or make a financial donation at www.pause4pawsmn.org
We love you Gully and miss you so much! Thank you for impacting our lives.