Traditionally, most printers are set up to print CMYK and some have enhanced their color gamut by adding LC and LM. While this has been the standard for most of the digital printing world, there is a unique advantage to having the ability to print with white ink. Tradition says most CMYK prints are reliant on having a white background. Without the white background your colors can be washed out or even not the same color as you are looking for.
White inks have allowed us to broaden the range of items we can print on. Want a clear decal with a colorful logo on it? By adding a white under-flood, we can keep those colors looking vibrant. It also can be used to print white art or lettering on a dark or clear background. White inks used as an over-flood on a piece of acrylic can give it a distinct backlit capability to again, make your colors stand out.
Long story short, the addition of white ink has erased the lines when it comes to printing on dark substrates and opened up a lot of new options and ideas to place your image in exciting new places.

White UV ink printed direct onto wood panel.

White UV ink printed direct onto wood panel.