Simple Advertising that seems to be hitting the medical clinics and hospitals are printed vinyl posters mounted to foam core. On an easel they create a professional looking display.
Directional signs, promotional signs, event signs. Many ways to use them. Standard sizing is 24″ wide x 36″ tall, but you can create them up to 4 ft x 8 ft if need. Advertise your event as customers come in your door. Drive people to your seminars with the cost effective signs.
Smaller signs 12 x 10 (approximate) on a table top easel and check in also makes a professional sign posting your information.
Call RPM Graphics today at 763.422.1790 or visit us on the web at
For all your signs, banners and vehicle graphics needs. Plus offering 20+ years graphic design experience.
-Jenny Anderson-Giese is a graphic designer at RPM Graphics. RPM Graphics is celebrating their 10th year.