Smart Business: Staying Ahead of the Competition
Crawling through Quarter 1 of 2009, most of us have noticed that this economy is not going to turn prosperous overnight. However, if there is one positive to take away from the gloom, it’s that we are all still on an even playing field. While you are undoubtedly hurting, your competitors have also been left wounded. So what can you do to improve your situation on a tight budget in an unstable climate? Smart (And Inexpensive) Marketing It doesn’t take a technological genius to launch an effective e-mail campaign. Round up the addresses of some potential clients – nearby businesses, schools, etc. Make sure your message is concise and targeted so it is not construed as spam. Be sure to follow up the campaign with a courtesy call or even a visit in person. Potential customers will appreciate the attention and remember you in the future, even if they are not ready to buy now. The second piece of the puzzle includes your current client base. They keep your business running so be sure to satisfy them as well. Create a separate campaign for those clients, thanking them for their business during these tough times. Also, consider offering incentives for return business or referrals. Anytime your clients can help you generate business, they should be rewarded. Calls And Customers As a small business owner or employee, you almost always have to wear several hats. While playing the “salesperson” role; however, there is still no better sales tool than the telephone. No one is above cold calling, and if just one of many calls results in a sale, it’s time well spent. It’s important to note, though, that while contacting these new prospects, do not simply give away the farm. While other sign shops might offer heavy discounts, the customer will ultimately associate rock-bottom prices with a cheap product. Stand by your quality and provide would-be clients with good references that will back your excellence. New Developments At the end of the day, you need to know what you can sell. It helps if you can get the inside track on the latest developments from industry manufacturers. Try calling your local suppliers to see if there are any more improved materials becoming available soon. If you can stay ahead of the market, then you can stay ahead of the competition.
Article by Ryan N. Fugler – Sign & Digital Graphics On The Go
Blog offered by Jenny Anderson-Giese, RPM Graphics, Inc. Signs that Drive Marketing Performance, offering signs, digitally printed banners, and vehicle graphics. Also seeling wholesale. RPM Graphics is celebrating their 10th year. Jenny has 20+ years graphic design experience.