Have you ever gone to a franchise sign company or printer and the product you purchase looks terrible? Like maybe you forgot to put on your glasses? Or drank too much? This is a product of low resolution art.
Everyday, we receive art that is internet quality. It cannot look good on a sign or printed piece. It is monitor quality, and it should stay there.
Ever try to make potato salad that serves 6, with one potato and a tablespoon of mustard and mayo? Good luck right? Or paint a whole house with one pint of paint. It would be pretty thin. This is the same as trying to make internet art into a beautiful high quality sign.
I recommend finding a company that works with you and will be honest about what they will be printing. Not just hitting the print button regardless. Remember, it is your image, and affects what people think of your company.
Call RPM Graphics today at 763-422-1790 or www.rpmgraphics-mn.com.
-Jenny Anderson-Giese, has 20+ years graphic design experience. RPM Graphics, which provides signs, banners and vehicle graphics, is celebrating their 10th year.